Under the patronship of the Nobel Prize for Physics Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, a Season of Nobel Prizes will pay homage to authors who have won the Nobel Prize for Literature, and to their work. The Nobel Prize, and in particular the Nobel Prize for Literature, awards the major works or discoveries of the 20th century. We hope this will be one way of honoring these much esteemed writers, whose names have gone down in history, and who it is often worth rediscovering….

Each year, 7 Nobel Prizes were presented.


season 1 (2006/2007)

José Saramago (Portugal, Nobel 1998)
Seeing (french version edited by Seuil / Translation by Geneviève Liebrich) .

Yasunari Kawabata (Japan, Nobel 1968)
The House of the sleeping beauties (french version edited by Albin Michel / Translation by René Sieffert).

Pär Lagerkvist (Sweden, Nobel 1951)
The dwarf (french version edited by Stock / Translation by Marguerite Gay) en décembre 2006.

Elfriede Jelinek (Austria, Nobel 2004)
Women as lovers (french version edited by Jacqueline Chambon Translation by Yasmin Hoffmann) en janvier 2007.

William Faulkner (USA, Nobel 1949)
If I forget thee, Jerusalem (french version edited by Gallimard / Translation by François Pitavy) en février 2007.

Orhan Pamuk (Turkey, Nobel 2006)
My name is Red (french version edited by Gallimard / Translation by Gilles Authier) en mars 2007.

Albert Camus (France, Nobel 1957)
The stranger (edited by Gallimard) en mai 2007.


season 2 (2007/2008)

Anatole France (France, Nobel 1921)
The Gods are A-thirst (French version edited by Calmann Levy)

Nadine Gordimer (South Africa, Nobel 1991)
July's people (French version edited by Albin Michel)

Isaac Bashevis Singer (USA, Nobel 1978)
The Magician of Lublin (French version edited by Stock)

Doris Lessing (Great-Britain, Nobel 2007)
The Cleft (French version edited by Flammarion)

Octavio Paz (Mexico, Nobel 1990)
Liberty under oath (French version edited by Gallimard)

Sigrid Undset (Norway, Nobel 1928)
Kristin Lavransdatter (French version edited by Stock)

Imre Kertesz (Hungary, Nobel 2002)
Fateless (French version edited by Gallimard)


season 3 (2008/2009)

Romain Rolland (France, Nobel 1915)
Un beau visage à tous (Albin Michel)

Luigi Pirandello (Italy, Nobel 1934)
Un, personne, cent mille (Gallimard)

Jean-Marie Le Clézio (France, Nobel 2008)
L'africain (Mercure de France)

Saul Bellow (USA, Nobel 1976)
Ravelstein (Gallimard)

Selma Lagerlöf (Sweden, Nobel 1909)
Le cocher (Actes Sud)

Heinrich Böll (Germany, Nobel 1972)
Portrait de groupe avec dame (Seuil)

Gao Xingjian (China, Nobel 2000)
Le quêteur de la mort (Seuil)


season 4 (2009/2010)

Herta Muller (Germany, Nobel 2009)
Le renard était déjà le chasseur (French version edited by Seuil)

François Mauriac (France, Nobel 1952)
Thérèse Desqueyroux (French version edited by Grasset)

Winston Churchill (Great-Britain, Nobel 1953)
Mémoires de guerre (French version edited by Taillandier)

Harry Martinson (Sweden, Nobel 1974)
Il faut partir / Aniara (French version edited by Agone Stock)

Knut Hamsun (Norway, Nobel 1920)
La faim (French version edited by Seuil)

Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Colombia, Nobel 1982)
Cent ans de solitude (French version edited by Seuil)

Ernest Hemingway (USA, Nobel 1954)
Le vieil homme et la mer (French version edited by Gallimard)


Then actors read extracts of the chosen book in French...

Marc Barbé

Sarah Biasini

Georges Claisse

Eva Darlan

Thierry Desroses

Alain Doutey

Anny Duperey

Marc Duret

Xavier Gallais

Gao Xingjian

Frédéric Gorny

Serge Hazanavicius

Camille Japy

François Negret

Éric Pierrot

Anny Romand

Nathalie Roussel

Adriana Santini

Pierre Santini

Michèle Simonnet

Laurent Sofiati

Alexandra Stewart

Estelle Vincent

Gaël Zaks


And in the original language by...

Leonor Baldaque (portugese)

Douglas Brodoff (english)

Naomie Canard (english, South Africa)

Firat Celik (turkish)

Paola Cordova (spanish, Mexico)

Timea Kasa (hungarian)

June McGrane (english)

Elisabeth Mortensen (norvegian)

Olof Orloff (swedish)

Roberta Pazi (italian)

Richard Sammel (english)

Rié Takeuchi (japonese)

Miguel Torres (spanish, Colombia)

Sonja Wiemann (german)

Uli Wittmann (norvegian)


Famous people from Universities, medias or the edition world presented the author honoured the same night, his/her life, his/her work.

Jacques Ancet Author, essayist, poet and translator.

Maria Graciete Besse Portugese Professor at the Université de Paris IV Sorbonne.

Clémence Boulouque Writer and jounalist.

Régis Boyer Emeritus Professor of Scandinavian Languages, Literature and Civilisations.

Denise Brahimi Professor at the Université, author of essays on Nadine Gordimer.

René Breton President of the Union Nationale des Aveugles et Déficients Visuels.

Noëlle Chatelet Writer.

Claire De Oliveira

Eric Eydoux

Victor Haïm Writer.

Yasmin Hoffmann Translator, Elfriede Jelinek's biographer.

Ariel Kening Writer

François Kersaudy

Fabrice Lardreau Writer and jounalist.

Björn Larsson Lecturer in French at Université de Lund, translator, philologist and critic

Patrick Liégibel Executive producer for Radio France, in charge of the fiction section for France Inter.

Florence Noiville Author of "Isaac B. Singer", and journalist for Le Monde.

Isabelle D.Philippe Translator of Doris Lessing's work.

François Pitavy Emeritus Professorat the Université de Bourgogne, essayist and translator.

Catherine Plata

Emmanuelle René Author of "Quitter Moscou" (French version edited by Actes Sud)

Lionel Richard Emeritus Professor at the Université de Picardie, writer.

Paul Tabet President of the Beaumarchais Foundation.

François Taillandier Writer.

Caroline Zekri Professor at the University Paris XII